





Saptam. The 7th.

Saptam is where the five elements- water, air, earth, space, and fire- connect with the Indian community- to create a dimension of its own.

Saptam is an attempt to make Indian culture, mythology, spirituality and art engaging, interesting, accessible and connecting for the modern Indian.

Saptam is an honest attempt to create a dimension for Indian culture that is built of limitless spirituality, endless love, and countless Indians, to create unique interpretations of the Indianness every day. Saptam derives from the principle that only time is eternal in an everchanging world, and attempts to tells stories of civilization collected from the centuries past, using ideas and products that touch our present and future, in a language that we modern Indians connect in.

Saptam is where we all meet, where we all create, and where we all connect.

Saptam is where the five elements- water, air, earth, space, and fire- connect with the Indian community- to create a dimension of its own, that would keep evolving beyond us, beyond our times.

सप्तम है एक नई कहानी,

जो है सदियों पुरानी, ​​पर भाषा ऐसी, जैसे कोई आधुनिक ज़ुबानी|


सप्तम है एक नया नुक्कड़,

जहां संस्कृति के कुछ अनोखे पिटारे खुलते हैं, और अपना जादू दिखाते हैं।


सप्तम | जहाँ सब कुछ नया है, और सब कुछ है पुराना।

जहां सिंधु ने सजाया है, अपना बहुमूल्य ख़ज़ाना।

Saptam. The power of culture.